한글로 바껴라
한글로 바껴라


From $ 450,000
Green & City 발란스가 실현되는 곳, 젯랜드 아파트
Allegra will boast some of the largest 1, 1+MPR, 2 and 3 bedroom residences in the area, with many one bedroom apartments featuring full-size study rooms
Enjoy exclusive resort-inspired leisure zones including stunning landscaped gardens, rooftop barbecue pavilions, indoor pool and spa, gym, and Allegra’s eight parkside retail shops
Lower levels take in beautiful green views over Gunyama Park while upper level residences capture never-to-be-built-out views to the CBD skyline
Living on the park
- A selection of apartments with full-sizestudy rooms with a window, providing the perfect space to work from home
- Floor-to-ceiling glass in all rooms with superior thermal and sound protection via acoustically engineered glazing
- Large marble-look gloss porcelain tiles throughout living areas with seamless level access to balconies or entertainer terraces
- Internal laundry with dryer and cabinetry plus ample storage cupboards off corridors
- Integrated reverse cycle air-conditioning in all rooms
- Sustainable features such as LED downlights, water- saving fixtures & energy efficient reverse cycle air-conditioning systems which will significantly reduce home owners energy and water bills
- Each apartment will be fitted with electronic smart meters allowing you to keep a close eye on your energy usage via a smartphone app
- Hebel® Intertenancy wall system providing acoustic and thermal comfort
- Provisions for super-fast broadband and pay TV with fibre optic cabling in the living area and bedrooms

울월스 메트로 로즈버리 500m
울월스 젯랜드 850m
이스트 빌리지 쇼핑 센터 900m
시드니 시티 4 Km
그린 스퀘어 스테이션 900m (시티까지 한 정거장, 공항까지 두 정거장)

버스 정류장 220m (시티까지 한번에 가는 버스 노선)

그린스퀘어 스쿨 6분 거리
켄싱턴 퍼블릭 스쿨 8분 거리
시드니 대학 10분 거리
UNSW 11분 거리

Gunyama 파크 레저 센터 바로 앞
드라잉 그린 파크 750m
무어파크 3km

로얄 프린스 알프레드 병원 18분 거리